The “Biobanca del Mediterraneo” or “BBM” has been operational since 2017 at the headquarters of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia for the storage and sharing of microorganisms, parasites, nucleic acids, sera, cell lines and pathological tissues of animal origin.
The biological resources come from the OIE Reference Laboratories, the National Reference Centres and the IZS Sicilia laboratories. BBM also offers medium- and long-term storage services to third parties. BBM has specific storage areas for the collection of genetic material from flora and fauna for the protection of biodiversity.
The BBM management software ensures the traceability of the samples and related data stored on an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified platform.
The BBM included some of the most modern technological systems for the continuous maintenance and monitoring of the temperature of conservation to -20, -80, -196°C , a video surveillance systems and access control. Electronic systems ensure the verification of the optimal environmental parameters for best enviromental performance and personnel safety.
The BBM is part of the “Network of veterinary biobanks” recognized by the OIE as “OIE Collaborating Centre for Veterinary biological biobank”.
Our Mission
- Secure storage and sharing of original and high-quality biological resources for the development of new diagnostic devices, reagents, medicines, vaccines, biomolecular studies and retrospective epidemiological investigations;
- The protection of biodiversity.
In 2018 the Regione Siciliana has recognized to the Biobanca del mediterraneo a contribution for the strategic importance for the regional health.

CONTACT Dott. Annalisa Guercio E-mail: biobancadelmediterraneo@izssicilia.it Tel:(+39)0916565224